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Inspiring substantial and permanent change

My goal and belief

We are finally living in a world where peer reviewed science is catching up to ancient methods and quantum awareness. My goal is to help you rapidly align your nervous system, body, energy and mental outlook to overcome obstacles and stop repeating patterns. Why? To get rid of repetitive trauma, injury and addictions. To awaken to our fullest potential and reduce stress on all systems in our being, and most importantly; free ourselves from these nagging pains so we have more time and energy to thrive. AKA: Tell the autonomic and sympathetic nervous systems to take a break as we override into parasympathetic. "Rest and recovery" is the constant. "I am safe, I am in control"

Ritual Metta is an integrative wellness, healing and coaching professional experience.By providing clients with the right sessions, tools, and knowledge, I help you rapidly discover your worth, upgrade every part of your life, and align to your true desires and passions.To sum it up, I help you wake the heck up!

Ritual Metta

Inspiring substantial and permanent change


Spirit and Relating to Self and Others:

Reiki Level Three
Bodhisattva Buddhist Devotee, Mahayana Buddhism Practices, Multiple Vipassana Meditations
Kundalini Meditation and Yoga Training
Plant Medicine Ceremony and Indigenous Culture Study, Esoteric Thinking, Occult, Psychology, Human Awareness
Ho'oponopono Practitioner
Registered Minister in the Universal Life Church
Akashic Records Reader
Tantra Teacher and Workshop Facilitator
Tantra Training with Charles Muir
Somatic Healing Certification with Francesca Gentille
Love, Sex and Relationship Coach from The Love Coach Academy
ART Authentic Relating 
Workshop facilitator (worthiness, self love, empowerment, fitness, breathwork, mindfulness, meditation)

Mind and Body:
Harm Reduction, Mental Health First Responder, Published Co-Author "The Manual of Psychedelic Support"

Foot Reflexology TMC school of massage
Facial Massage TMC school of massage
Lymphatic Massage TMC school of massage
Certified Holistic Health Coach in Integrative Nutrition
Apprenticed with Chris Vincent over three years for Massage, Cupping, Acupuncture, Sports Massage, Active Release Therapy, Myofascial Release Cabo Massage Acupuncture - Massage Spa in Cabo San Lucas
WimHof Method Student
Human Biomechanics Specialist training with Functional Patterns
XPT training with Laird Hamilton and Gabby Reece

Organic Health food Store in Los Cabos - Green Goddess (San Jose del Cabo)
Vegan Gluten Free chef -

Vegan dessert chef - Manny Torres


Who do I work with? Anyone ready to upgrade, put in the work, and surrender to the process.

I'm not here to save or fix anyone, this is a life shift opportunity. We all deserve to be healthy, love ourselves, be effortlessly joyous and well grounded.

Athletes, shared or high profile community, seekers from all walks of life, as long as you are willing to show up and receive, we have work to do! I'm here to help undo what expectation, obligation, trauma and drama has done to you. I'm here to help you find your soul alignment and divine truth. 


This is not for skeptics or people stuck in scarcity of their healing worth or finances. This isn't about "how much the sessions cost" or "what should be expected". It is; "how much do you value your profound healing and self worth" and "what are you willing to do to change your life and regain full control of your being?"

When you open yourself up to the possibility of infinite empowerment, your life truly begins. I am here to embark on that journey with you, and to show you we are all masters of our own destiny; we have simply forgotten. It is time to remember. To remember our birthright, our soul purpose, what we are capable of and destined to become if we decide to go all in. By using spiritual, emotional, mental and physical tools to target your needs, we can unlock your highest potential for self worth, divine love, and celestial purpose.

To sum it up, I help you wake the heck up!

*We are going to address your physical body - talk about your posture and movement and any repetitive trauma in your body.

*We are going to do specific breathwork that is utilized in practice by extreme watermen to ancient meditation practices to tap into your parasympathetic nervous system.


*We are going to expose you to sensory activation and isolation to further train your mind and body that you are safe, and in control.


*We are going to use specific sounds and tones to re calibrate your mind and body.


*We are going to use temperature, pressure, vibration, hands on therapeutic and energetic healing to work out the pains in all your body systems.


*We are going to talk about your intentions, your traumas and blockages and help release anything not serving your optimum health.

To sum it up: I've dedicated my life to living in flow with healing, longevity, fitness, wellness, abundance and love, and most importantly, pleasure! My goal is to share it effortlessly to those ready to see their truth.


You may not be sure where to start, or what you need, that's where I come in. We will create a wellness package or session for you geared towards your physical and spiritual needs.

It's as simple as taking the first step. For additional information on scheduling and commitments, please refer to the book online page to set a consult up.

In Conclusion

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